01925 820638


LATEST NEWS! With the Royal Mail price increases at the end of March 2018, 2nd class is now an extra 5p saving (up from 3p) and large letters are now up to an extra 14p saving!


Mailmark™ is a new generation of franking mark that replaces the traditional ‘town and crown’ die with a 2D barcode that show the class of mail and the format and carries machine readable information on the user and mail.

 Mailmark™ offers the potential to improve reporting and management of tariffs. Over time all business mail will carry this barcode. Royal Mail will continue to process existing franking formats for a period after Mailmark becomes available, so for those that do not want to take up this new technology there is no immediate change.

For your business, Mailmark™ means

  • Simplified access to Royal Mail products

  • Access to a new Prepay Business Reply product that will drive responses to your business and generate revenue

  • Simple tariff update and automated postal tariff updates

  • A more professional finish to your mail items

  • Potential for future intelligent products and services

  • Automated pricing – avoiding likelihood of incorrect pricing.

  • Mailmark™ will always be the best value tariff in the franking channel

What do franking machine users need to do?

As the existing franking service remains, there is no need to upgrade or replace machines as a result of Mailmark™. Your business may decide to replace or upgrade depending on volumes of mail sent and the tariff differences.

Other factors to consider when making this decision are the productivity, convenience and cost benefits of a new machine. Depending on the current machine, these could include integrated scales, intuitive touch screens, print quality and the capability to reclaim VAT on eligible Royal Mail postal services.

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